registration opens for genomes of microbiomes
26 may 2022

genomes of microbiomes is pleased to announce that delegate registration is now open. the two-day meeting will take place 15–16 september 2022, at edgbaston park hotel and conference centre in birmingham, uk.
this friendly meeting will provide a forum for discussion of the impact of mags, including how they should be incorporated into public databases, metagenomics advances in general, and the contributions technologies are making toward more readily achieving complete microbial genome sequence assemblies.
confirmed invited speakers include evelien adriaenssens (quadram institute, uk), rebecca ansorge (quadram institute, uk) and manja marz (friedrich schiller university, germany) with more to be announced shortly.
the programme will cover a broad range of topics including microbial ecology, microbial communities in health and disease, evolution and microbial diversity, metagenomics and metagenome assembled genomes. abstract submissions are welcomed for offered oral and poster presentations, and submissions will close shortly on 6 june 2022.
discounted registration rates are available for 英格兰vs美国谁会赢? members, as well as an early bird rate available until 4 august 2022. learn more about the programme and register to secure your place today.
further information will be announced in the build up to the meeting on our twitter @microbiosoc using the hashtag #genomesmicrobiome22.
image: istock/tetiana lazunova.